One Month On

Well, we’re one month into our new life and our new baby business. And what a month it has been. We literally haven’t had an hour off, never mind a day! But we’re enjoying it all so much. The biggest hugest most massive THANK YOU ever in the world must go to each and every single one of you. Honestly, you’ve been unreal. Such support! You’ve no idea how happy you’ve made us. Our customers!

Not including myself, we’ve had eleven beautiful women try on clothes for you all on our Instagram stories. Eleven very different women, in style, shape, size etc. And I hope if you’ve been following us there that you’ve seen just how beautiful each one of them is. Ruth from @georgeandmilly became a life long friend just a few years ago. She has seen me through each daily crisis ever since and I’d honestly be lost without her. Denise @pelodolls is probably the most out of her comfort zone doing try ons, so the fact that she shows her support and friendship to me in this way means the world. Denise too, through social media has become a true real life friend. Sinead @thebeauttruth has been lending me her beautiful body for many years now and always seems to be the one that most of you can identify with. She too is always on hand ready to help me out in any way she can and I’ll always be so grateful for her support.

There simply is no show without Jess @jesscinellicurvymodel. To have watched this girl grow and develop that self confidence she should always have had, has quite honestly been one of the best things! I feel like a proud parent when I see her now compared to when she first started modelling for me. I just love her. Maria @mariaryan2014 is another little dote I had the pleasure of meeting through Instagram, as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. And another person just like that is Joanne @justjoannesjourney two very special people with hearts of gold.

And I somehow managed to convince/guilt trip three of my Vanity Fair women into doing a spot of modelling for you all. There are no words to describe how I feel about my girls, Pauline, Amy and Michelle. Now I just have to manage to convince the others to twirl. And lastly, we all had the honour of seeing two real life customers who volunteered their services when I said I was looking for particular body types. How fab were Shona and Dee strutting their stuff. Magic, the lot of them.

So, one month in, and I’ve set the standards high 😂😂 there’s a lot to live up to now. But there’s plenty more where that came from. Undoubtedly my favourite hours of the last month have been the hours I’ve spent on zoom with customers chatting through their wardrobes. Seeing them try pieces on for me, giving them advice on how to wear it, what to put with it etc etc. THAT has been the real magic for me. That’s the part of my job I loved the most when we had the boutique, seeing people in their clothes, so this aspect of my new business is undoubtedly my favourite part. I’ve BIG plans for the new year on how to expand and grow this side of things.

Who knows what the next month or year will bring for any of us, but one thing I do know for sure is that I am so glad I put on my big girl pants and decided to go for it. “She believed she could, so she did” has got me through everything in my life so far 😂😂.