Six Months On - The Try On

Six Months On

This weeks marks six months since we launched this new business. It feels like six weeks ago, and at the same time it feels like six years ago. But I think that time has become like that for everyone over the last year. The days drag, but the weeks fly by.

In lots of ways I miss my old life so much, and in lots of ways I’m happy out with this new life. The last six months have been filled with lots of highs, and the fun I have daily on social media with customers has definitely kept me going. When we started this venture, we had no expectations, no real plan, no big goals, we just said we’d take it one day at a time.

This is our third business. The other two involved business plans, swot analysis, financial projections, big expectations, big commitment, big responsibility. This one is completely different, and there’s a beautiful freedom in that. So, a huge huge thank you to all of you who have become customers, Insta friends and supporters. And a special thanks to the ninjas 😂😂

So where do we go from here? Well, until the world regains some sense of normality and things become clearer, we just keep going as we are. Weekly new arrivals, lots of chats on Insta stories and we’ll think of different ways to keep you entertained as we go. Long term plans seem too far away still for them to be clear, but I’d love to bring the Magic Room themed events on tour. I’d also be interested in doing pop up shops. I’d love to move some of my style sessions from Zoom into real life face to face meetings. I can’t wait to start up my millinery classes again. And then there’s MIYO, that chapter isn’t finished, that was only getting started. There’s literally so many things, so many ideas going round and round in my head, but nothing definite yet. The world needs to settle in to the new normal first. Then we’ll find our place in it. So until then, I’m happy out with the way things are for us. And that’s down to you! So thank you!
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